Brand awareness usually becomes the core issue of the company marketing program. The company
must increase its brand awareness to have a positive impact on how consumer response when see
or hear their brand. There will be achieved using various marketing communication tool, and one
of the tools is called sponsorship. Sponsorship has seen exceptional growth and became a popular
marketing communication to increase brand awareness. PT Paragon Technology and Innovation
Tbk (PTI) is a cosmetics company active in sponsorship activities. One of the sponsorship
programs is in Wisuda April ITB 2019. This study intends to see Paragon sponsorship program in
Wisuda April ITB 2019 to investigate the influence of the program to Paragon’s brand awareness.
This study uses sponsorship dimension consisting of target audience reach, compatibility with the
company’s or brand positioning, and message capacity. This research applies a quantitative
approach and involves 98 respondents as samples collected in Wisuda April ITB 2019.This
research also use qualitative approach to interview PIC of sponsorship program in Paragon to
confirm the goals in Wisuda April ITB 2019. The quantitative method results suggest that
sponsorship has relationship towards brand awareness. Further, the result also indicates that the
dimensions of target audience reach have the biggest influence on brand awareness than the other
two dimensions. The confirmation interview also confirm that brand awareness is one of the goals
that Paragon wants achieved in Wisuda April ITB 2019.
Keyword: Sponsorship, Brand Awareness dan Wisuda April ITB 2019.